How to install a new Firmware into the Flash for a Cyberstorm PPC,MK3 or Blizzard PPC 0) for a Blizzard PPC 040(SCSI/NOSCSI) use BlizzPPC040Update for a Blizzard PPC 060(SCSI/NOSCSI) use BlizzPPC060Update for a CyberstormPPC use PPCUpdate for a CyberstormMK3 use MK3Update 1) PowerOFF 2) Hold key "s" while booting and press both mouse buttons to enter the AmigaOS bootmenu. 3) Disable every HD Volume 4) Boot WITHOUT the startup-sequence AND hold "s" again while booting. 5) start the Update for *YOUR* HW from a floppy 6) then wait until it completes..if you reset inbetween you may destroy your firmware and you may not be able to boot again. 7) If these docs are not enough ask your dealer Problems If you always get the msg that the blizzppc.device is still there you should use BlizzPPC0x0Update FORCE. BUT ONLY THEN.